[DREP = Dangers of Non-ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation on People]
The DREP thematic day aims at facilitating exchanges and reflections between all actors of the Ministry of the Armed Forces and the main industrialists concerned by the subject, in order to become aware of all the technical and operational stakes involved in the DREP issues.

AxesSim will present its work on the RAPID SAM (SAR & Augmented Measurements) project carried out jointly with Thalès and Art-FI :
The release of a new international standard validating the concept of a new technological generation of vector scanner for SAR measurement (IEC 62209-3) opens up the prospects of applications to cover industrial and scientific needs that were previously unthinkable through measurement.
In general, the objective is, by combining the best of experimental and numerical approaches, to offer designers of communicating equipment a means to facilitate their development and certification, introducing in the project a normative issue. The field of application will be both civilian (for equipment such as smartphones, hands-free kits, connected watches, RFID tags, gateways, etc.) and military (through the various communication infrastructures embedded in the systems supplied by Thales).