AxesSim’s electromagnetic simulation solutions AXS-AP, AXS-E3, AXS-HD and AXS-SAR help engineers designing and optimizing innovative products and systems. The new release 21-01 delivers our customers a set of new capabilities to improve productivity and precision of simulation results.
CuToo simulation platform

AxesSim’s On-premise Cloud platform CuToo has been improved with some of the following main features in order to increase its adaptability on information systems architectures and optimise its performances:
• Ability of computing units to be configured even when not connected.
• Real-Time update of data and data on mesh views in CuToo.
• Simulations: Compute name and queue are now displayed in each running simulation.
• Informations from SLURM or PBS schedulers are now displayed in the output.log of the simulation
• Add syntax highlighting in simulation log file to improve readability
• Introduce administration roles, administrative tasks can be delegated to different users;
3D Time domain
3D electromagnetic simulation takes on a first-order importance with the reinforcement of the EM environment in which we operate, linked to the generalization of the connectivity of equipment and systems. AxesSim’s simulation solutions provide designers with high-performance tools to deal with this situation : AXS-AP for optimizing antenna placement, AXS-E3 for better performance of equipment and systems and AXS-SAR for human quantification of these enhanced EM environments.
3D simulation capabilities are implemented in MaxSim and TEMSI-FD AxesSim’s products and the new release 21-01 delivers the following set of improvements and new features.
MaxSim – FDTD pre-processor
• Simplified structured meshing configuration. 3 given possibilities :
• Cubic: definition of cell size in one place
• Simple: classic definition
• Advanced: more advanced definition of the grid (variable pitch mesh, borders, etc.)
• Handling of Ngspice netlist for Temsi-FD simulation
• Possibility of requesting outputs on several elements simultaneously

TEMSI-FD – FDTD solver
In order to face new computation challenges and use efficiently HPC resources, parallelization of TEMSI-FD has been improved and extended: Porting of MPI functions in TEMSI-FD like Controlled end, Short wire model, CPU time limitation, lightning channel, surface structure output, impedance model defined by an expression and Plane wave with stratified ground.
New capabilities and input data check has been added:
• Calculation of the current is now required on the core and the shield
• Checking if the thickness of thin dielectric planes is much less than the cell size
• Better verification of the uniformity of the input signal intervals
• Improved automatic calculation of dipole length for lightning channel
Cable Simulation
In today’s world of high-performance electronics and the increasingly important electrification of the propulsion of transport systems, the modelling of cable harnesses and the electromagnetic fields they generate are becoming essentials.
CableSim, CRIPTE and MILO are the software products involved in cable harness simulation. These products are part of AXS-HD and AXS-E3 solutions. The new features and improvements brought by 21-01 release for cable harness electromagnetic simulation are the following.
CABLESIM – Wiring Harness Preprocessor
• Management of twisted cables
• Addition of a template for calculation of the coupling between a source cable and a receiver cable
• Adding new validation rules
• Support of new import formats
• Addition of verifications to help user avoid misconfiguration
Kawa is a conveyor of capitalization and sharing of technical and scientific knowledge. It is part of all AxesSim’s solutions to manage capitalization of technical expertise and to perform data processing and visualisation. The new features and improvements brought by 21-01 release for Kawa are the following.