Our Blog
Benchmark of Several Linear Algebra Kernels for solving a Laplace Problem
Benchmark of C P.U.L. calculation of a Cable Arrangement for several Linear Algebra Kernels including CPU and GPU implementation. Introduction IntroductionThe Linear Algebra Kernel is an essential piece in the engineer’s and scientist’s tool box, there are many...
AxesSim’s tools 20.01 release
AxesSim’s electromagnetic simulation solutions help enginneers to design and optimise innovative products and systems. The new 20-01 release of AxesSim’s solutions (AXS-AP, AXS-E3 and AXS-HD) delivers to our customers’ a set of new capabilities to face actual...
Performance of the TETA Discontinuous Galerkin solver on the Jean Zay supercomputer
To be fully exploited, the massively parallel architecture of super-computers requires the use of specific software design as well as parallelization technologies and dedicated programming languages. AxesSim had the opportunity to test its Discontinuous Galerkin (DG)...
Happy new year 2020 !
Season's Greetings from the whole AxesSim's team, wishing you a year filled with happiness and success!
AxesSim @ EMGE session, ONERA Toulouse Nov. 21 2019
AxesSim @ the 7th study days of “ElectroMagnetism and Electronic Warfare” at ONERA, Toulouse on Nov. 21st. The session will be oriented towards experimental and numerical methods and tools solving issues at the crossroads of electromagnetism and electronic warfare...
AxesSim @ Groupement des industries françaises aéronautiques et spatiales – GIFAS 2019
AxesSim, together with ONERA will attend the meeting of the GIFAS’ working group on Electrical Systems (health monitoring) on Nov. 7th, 2019 . Our communication will focus on EMC modelling of EWIS in complex aircraft systems.
ICOLSE 2019 Conference : AxesSim’s participation to the Numerical Modeling and Analysis session
Dassault Aviation and their partners Xlim and AxesSim have been developing for a long time a set of methodologies aiming at numerically characterizing and predicting currents induced in the fuselage assemblies of an aircraft. In the paper jointly presented at the...
AxesSim @ the International Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity – ICOLSE 2019
In the session on Numerical Modeling and Analysis, AxesSim will jointly present the paper drawn up in collaboration with Dassault Aviation and Xlim Institute called: "Numerical Modeling - Comparison of methods to evaluate the lightning currents flowing through...
AxesSim selected to test & bench IDRIS new supercomputer “Jean Zay”
Jean Zay is the new supercomputer converged platform recently installed at IDRIS, national computing center for the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). http://www.idris.fr/annonces/annonce-jean-zay-eng.html The Discontinuous Galerkin solver TETA,...