
CableSim is a cable harness modeling environment for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and electromagnetic interference (EMI) analysis adapted to large network architectures
With powerful cable harness model, it handles:
- Checks and transformation for reliable Multiconductor Transmission Line
Network (MTLN) simulations - Computation processes and results exploitation
- CableSim permits:
- the analysis and validation of large wiring harnesses: conducted emission, EMC, signal integrity
- easy integration in the design step of manufacturing process.
Databases availability
- Material data storing cable technologies are furnished with CableSim and
created by the user that can be used in any project - Cable technology section model
- Designed by elementary pieces assembly (conductor, shield,
dielectric sheath or cylinder,…) - Hierarchical model with no level limit (even for the number of
- Designed by elementary pieces assembly (conductor, shield,
CableSim allows to implement a solver in the time domain (MILO) and a solver in the frequency domain (CRIPTE)
is a transmission line solver for Electromagnetic Interference, Compatibility and Signal Integrity.
Its main features are as follows:
- Simulation engines : FDTD for MTLN (time domain), BLT for MTLN (frequency domain), MNA engine for linear electrical circuit;
- Network geometry description from several kind (tube length, 3D geometry or mesh);
- Cable technologies : multiconductors, Twisted, shielded, overshieded, …
- Load models :
– simple models ; Short-cut, Open-circuit, matched and simple Thevenin model;
– complex models with linear electrical circuit (R, L, C, V, I, …) and complexe wave forms; - Convenient output request (current, voltage, charge, power, commune mode current and tension, …) in frequency and time domain;
- Distributed source based in Agrawal formulation;
- Static common mode impedance for modeling ground;
is a fast and accurate transmission line modeling solver for cable harness configurations in three-dimensional metallic or dielectric environment.
CRIPTE provides:
- A full set of models required for EMC applications ;
- A fast and accurate transmission line modeling solver for cable harness configurations in three-dimensional metallic or dielectric environment ;
- Validation on numerous studies and complex applications ;
- Co Simulation with 3D EM solvers in order to take into account the Cable harness inside its physical environment.
CRIPTE is a software developed by ONERA.
The user will also be able to previsualize the results of the simulation in MaxSim (results in 1D) before doing any post treatment in our Kawa software.
Visualize your data with a full set of plots allowing a quick and easy analysis :
1D curves: real and complex curves, polar views, histograms.
Data physical natures (length, time, etc.) are automatically set to the correct values
Several useful tools are also available in the visualisation like :
placement of cursors, labels and gauges
possibility from a data to do a multiple plot 1D.