AxesSim @ EMGE session, ONERA Toulouse Nov. 22-23 2017

AxesSim @ EMGE session, ONERA Toulouse Nov. 22-23 2017

AxesSim will soon participate in the sixth study days entitled “Electromagnetism and Electronic warfare” organized by SEE society and welcomed by ONERA in Toulouse. During this session, the link between Electromagnetism and Electronic warfare will be...

AxesSim @ Mésochallenges Day, 28 September 2017

AxesSim took part for the first time in the Mesochallenge Day on Sept. 28th in Paris gathering major HPC actors together. Particular thanks to the organizers of the project Equip@meso coordinated by GENCI (Grand Equipement National de Calcul Intensif) and...

Second Kawa video available on Youtube !

We just released the second video of a series about Kawa, our software answering the management of technical knowledge of your organization. Learn more about it HERE And watch it :

AxesSim’s tools 17.06 release

AxesSim is proud to show you some of the new features of the 17-06 version release of CuToo, FreeCAD plugin, Nash & Kawa tools. CuToo UX/UI : Clearer data raising to the user and more intuitive interface (simulations status, path to computational units...

First Kawa video available on Youtube !

We just released the first video of a series about Kawa, our software answering the management of technical knowledge of your organization. Learn more about it HERE And watch it :
If you need more informationsContact us!