CONFORME 2 project beginnings
The ANR ASTRID MATURATION project CONFORME2 is launched since March 1st 2017. The main objective of this project is to perform the conform FDTD technique for aircraft CEM issues. It is essential to our partners and our own challenges to succeed in providing a robust...
Microwave & RF Paris exhibition – Thanks to organizers and visitors
The MtoM and Microwave & RF exhibition is finished, our particular thanks go to the organizers and all visitors for these moments of exchanges. Come to rediscover the HOROCH project and all our activities. You can download the French POSTER...AxesSim @Salon Microwave & RF Paris
AxesSim takes part for the first time in the Microwave & RF exhibition from March 22nd to 23rd in Paris Expo, Porte de Versailles. Come and meet us with our partner Thales (stand F12 pavilion 5). We will talk about numerical...
eCENTRIC-EMC project publication
In the context of the CORAC GENOME (GEstioN OptiMisée de l’Energie) prototype, an EMC validation software tool has been developed based upon : CableSim from AxesSim, eCENTRIC process from Safran Electrical & Power, CRIPTE simulator from ONERA ...
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