Today defense systems must offer increasingly higher operational performance while ensuring an optimal level of reliability in ever more stringent electromagnetic environments.

Complexification of systems and devices
Developments which are underway for terrestrial, aeronautical or naval systems, require the use of numerous technologies and a very strong integration of communication, detection, localization, stealth, jamming…
The soldier of tomorrow will be connected and equipped with numerous sensors allowing him to exchange crucial information with his operational base in real time. In this context, the control of the performance of antennas positioned close to the soldier, as well as their interactions with human tissues is of major importance.
Aircrafts and drones will fly in complex and strength EM environments, and should have improved connectivity and stealth capabilities.
Reduces development cycles
Emerging threats require quick and agile responses.
Defense players therefore need to shorten the development cycles of new systems and equipment.
In this context, virtual prototyping takes on major importance.

AxesSim’s solutions offer unique capabilities to face defense emerging challenges
AxesSim designs, develops and supplies electromagnetic simulation tools used in the defense sector for both aeronautical, land and naval systems. They make it possible to apprehend efficiently and precisely the following issues:
Quantify the performance of installed antennas to optimize their placement (AXS-AP)
Perform the decoupling analysis between several antennas and the penetration into the system by the electromagnetic field radiated by the antennas (AXS-AP, AXS-E3)
Design optimized cabling systems (minimum weight, …), satisfying installation and routing rules and meeting the electromagnetic performance constraints (AXS-HD)
Understand, evaluate levels of interference induced in the systems and their wiring when installed in systems and when subject to severe electromagnetic environments specific to the defense systems (AXS-E3)
Efficient evaluation of specific absorption rate (SAR) : point SAR, average SAR (1g and 10g) and whole-body SAR (AXS-SAR)