file |
File |
file/@entryPoint |
Attribute |
String |
/mesh |
Group |
/mesh/$gmesh1/$mesh |
Group |
/mesh/$gmesh1/$mesh[@type] |
Attribute |
String |
structured |
unstructured |
/mesh/$gmesh1/$mesh/nodes |
Dataset (n x 3) |
Float |
/mesh/$gmesh1/$mesh/elementTypes |
Dataset (n x 1) |
To be defined |
/mesh/$gmesh1/$mesh/elementNodes |
Dataset (n x 1) |
Float |
/mesh/$gmesh1/$mesh/group |
Group |
/mesh/$gmesh1/$mesh/group/$group |
Dataset (n x 1) |
Integer |
/mesh/$gmesh1/$mesh/group/$group/@type |
Attribute |
String |
node |
element |
/mesh/$gmesh1/$mesh/groupGroup |
Group |
/mesh/$gmesh1/$mesh/groupGroup/$groupGroup |
Group |
/mesh/$gmesh1/$mesh/cartesianGrid |
Group |
/mesh/$gmesh1/$mesh/cartesianGrid/x |
floatingType = vector |
Float |
/mesh/$gmesh1/$mesh/cartesianGrid/y |
floatingType = vector |
Float |
/mesh/$gmesh1/$mesh/cartesianGrid/z |
floatingType = vector |
Float |
/mesh/$gmesh1/$mesh/normal |
Group |
/mesh/$gmesh1/$mesh/normal/$group |
Dataset (n x 1) |
Integer (16 bit ?) |
/mesh/$gmesh1/$mesh/selectorOnMesh |
Group |
/mesh/$gmesh1/$mesh/selectorOnMesh/$nodes |
Table |
unstructured mesh case |
(Integer) |
structured mesh case |
(Integer x 3) |
/mesh/$gmesh1/$mesh/selectorOnMesh/$elements |
Table |
unstructured mesh case |
(Integer, Float x 3) |
structured mesh case |
(Integer x 6, Float x 3) |
/mesh/$gmesh1/meshLink |
Group |
/mesh/$gmesh1/meshLink/$meshLink |
Dataset |
/mesh/$gmesh1/meshLink/$meshLink/@type |
Attribute |
String |
node |
edge |
face |
volume |
/mesh/$gmesh1/meshLink/$meshLink/@mesh1 |
Attribute |
String |
/mesh/$gmesh1/meshLink/$meshLink/@mesh2 |
Attribute |
String |
/globalEnvironment/time |
floatingType -> vector |
Float |
/globalEnvironment/frequency |
floatingType -> vector |
Float |
/electromagneticSource/planeWave |
Group |
. |
. |
. |