6. Mesh

Computer simulations work well using a discretized space, this discretization of the space is the result of the mesh generation process of a CAD model.

Over-all the mesh data structure is made up of three kinds of elements :

  • the nodes. The nodes are points in space and are the foundations of the mesh.
  • the elements. The elements are geometrical shapes connecting neighboring nodes.
  • the groups. The groups are sets of elements and represent areas, volumes that are important for the simulation.

A mesh can be either structured or unstructured.

6.1. The Mesh category

In Amelet HDF meshes are localized in the /mesh category and can be named by whatever word authorized by HDF5, its children are mesh groups.

6.1.1. Mesh group

Meshes are gathered inside “mesh groups”. In fact, meshes are often made up of independent mesh part, like hybrid meshes for instance. (An hybrid mesh is mesh composed of unstructured meshes and structured meshes).

A mesh group is named HDF5 group. (see the data.h5:/mesh/$gmesh1 group below)

Consequently, the name of the system is rather the group’s name rather than the mesh name.

Example :

`-- mesh/
    |-- $gmesh1/
    `-- $gmesh2/

6.1.2. Mesh

Meshes are children of mesh groups with a mandatory attribute : type. type can take the following values :

  • unstructured : the mesh is an unstructured mesh.
  • structured : the mesh is an structured mesh.

Example of a /mesh category :

`-- mesh/
    |-- $gmesh1
    |    |-+ $mesh#5
    |    `-+ $mesh_6
    `-- $gmesh2
        |-- $mesh1[@type=unstructured]/
        |   |-- elementNodes
        |   |-- elementTypes
        |   |-- nodes
        |   |-- group
        |   |   |-- $field-location[@type=node]
        |   |   |-- $right-wing[@type=face]
        |   |   `-- $left-wing[@type=face]
        |   |-- groupGroup
        |   |   `-- $wings
        |   `-- selectorOnMesh
        |       |-- nodes
        |       |-- elements
        |       `-- groups
        |-+ $mesh-two
        `-- $mesh-3[@type=structured]/
            |-- cartesianGrid
            |-- group
            |   |-- $field-location[@type=node]
            |   |-- $right-wing[@type=face]
            |   `-- $left-wing[@type=face]
            |-- groupGroup
            |   `-- $wings
            `-- selectorOnMesh
                |-- nodes
                |-- elements
                `-- groups

In this example, data.h5:/mesh/$gmesh2/$mesh1 is an unstructured mesh and data.h5:/mesh/gmesh2/$mesh-3 is a structured mesh.

The next section present in details unstructured mesh and structured meshes.

6.2. Unstructured mesh

An unstructured mesh is a mesh based upon nodes dispatched in the space. Nodes are connected together by edges to form the mesh elements. Mesh elements can be :

  • Line or 1d : edge
  • Surface or 2d : triangle, quadrilateral, polygon ...
  • Volume or 3d : tetrahedron, cube ...

Then elements are gathered to create groups of importance for the simulation. A group can represent a plane wing, a wheel, a dipole, a wire antenna, an output request location.

A mesh is a named group child of the /mesh group. A mesh mainly comprises three datasets :

The nodes dataset
The nodes dataset contains the definition (x, y, z in 3d) of all nodes
The elementTypes dataset
The elementTypes dataset contains the definition of the type of the mesh elements
The elements dataset
The elements dataset contains the linked node’s indices for all elements

Example :

`-- mesh/
    `-- $gmesh1
        `-- mesh1[@type=unstructured]/
            |-- nodes
            |-- elementTypes
            `-- elementNodes

6.2.1. Attributes

The value of the attribute type of an unstructured mesh is unstructured.

6.2.2. nodes

All mesh nodes are defined in the /mesh/$gmesh/$mesh/nodes dataset. A node is defined by one to three coordinates :

  • x in a 1d space
  • x, y in a 2d space
  • x, y and z in 3d space

x, y, z are real numbers.

The nodes dataset is a two dimensional real dataset, its dimensions are (number_of_nodes x number_of_space_dimensions).

The first column is x, the second is y and the third is z. The index of a node is the row’s index in which it appears.

The index and columns header are implicit. The index starts at 0.

i x y z
0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1 0.0 1.0 0.0
2 1.0 0.0 2.0

Here, three nodes are defined in a 3d space, the genuine dataset without headers is :

0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 0.0 2.0

6.2.3. elementTypes Explicit nodal approach

The elements of an unstructured mesh are defined by the nodal approach, that is to say that each element is defined by a set of nodes. For a given number of nodes, many geometric shapes are possible, then each shape has a type and the shape’s type is the element’s type.


Nodes are numbered and numbers are important for element definition and normal computation. Implicit sub-element

In addition this section introduces the definition of (implicit) sub-elements (edges for entityType=face, edges and faces for entityType=volume) of an element, these sub-elements are numbered as well. Implicit sub-elements permit to select (n-1) dimensional sub-elements of an n dimensional element.


Implicit edges and faces are numbered.

Implicit sub-elements can be seen as the way to make a link with the mesh definition by the descendant approach (node, edge, face, volume) . Predefined shapes types

The predefined shape types are detailed in the following sections.


Node numbers are shown in black, edge numbers in red and face number in blue. bar2

bar2 cell characteristics are :

  • one-dimensional cell
  • 2 nodes
  • 1 edge
  • code : 1

Edges are (defined by nodes) :

Edge number Node 1 Node 2
1 1 2

The following figure shows a bar2 cell :


A bar2 cell bar3

bar3 cell characteristics are :

  • one-dimensional cell
  • 3 nodes
  • 2 edges
  • code : 2
  • comment : 1 node is in the middle of the edge defined by the two endpoints

Edges are (defined by nodes) :

Edge number Node 1 Node 2
1 1 3
2 3 2

The following figure shows a bar3 cell :


A bar3 cell tri3

tri3 cell characteristics are :

  • two-dimensional cell
  • 3 nodes
  • 3 edges connecting all nodes each other and 1 face.
  • code : 11

Edges are (defined by nodes) :

Edge number Node 1 Node 2
1 1 2
2 2 3
3 3 1

Faces are (defined by nodes) :

Face number Node 1 Node 2 Node 3
1 1 2 3

The following figure shows a tri3 cell :


A tri3 cell tri6

tri6 cell characteristics are :

  • two-dimensional cell
  • 6 nodes
  • 6 edges
  • 1 face
  • code : 12
  • comment : 3 nodes are in the middle of the edges

Edges are (defined by nodes) :

Edge number Node 1 Node 2
1 1 4
2 4 2
3 2 5
4 5 3
5 3 6
6 6 1

Faces are (defined by nodes) :

Face number Node 1 Node 2 Node 3
1 1 2 3

The following figure shows a tri6 cell :


A tri6 cell quad4

quad4 cell characteristics are :

  • two-dimensional cell
  • 4 nodes
  • 4 edges
  • 1 face
  • code : 13

Edges are (defined by nodes) :

Edge number Node 1 Node 2
1 1 2
2 2 3
3 3 4
4 4 1

Faces are (defined by nodes) :

Face number Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4
1 1 2 3 4

The following figure shows a quad4 cell :


A quad4 cell quad8

quad8 cell characteristics are :

  • two-dimensional cell
  • 8 nodes
  • 4 edges
  • 1 face
  • code : 14
  • comment : 4 nodes in the middle of the edges

Edges are (defined by nodes) :

Edge number Node 1 Node 2
1 1 5
2 5 2
3 2 6
4 6 3
5 3 7
6 7 4
7 4 8
8 8 1

Faces are (defined by nodes) :

Face number Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4
1 1 2 3 4

The following figure shows a quad8 cell :


A quad8 cell tetra4

tetra4 cell characteristics are :

  • three-dimensional cell
  • 4 nodes
  • 6 edges connecting all node each other
  • 4 faces
  • code : 101

Edges are (defined by nodes) :

Edge number Node 1 Node 2
1 1 2
2 2 3
3 3 1
4 1 4
5 2 4
6 3 4

Faces are (defined by nodes) :

Face number Node 1 Node 2 Node 3
1 1 2 4
2 2 3 4
3 1 4 3
4 1 3 2

The following figure shows a tetra4 cell :


A tetra4 cell pyra5

pyra5 cell characteristics are :

  • three-dimensional cell
  • 5 nodes
  • 8 edges
  • 5 faces
  • code : 102

Edges are (defined by nodes) :

Edge number Node 1 Node 2
1 1 2
2 2 3
3 3 4
4 4 1
5 1 5
6 2 5
7 3 5
8 4 5

Faces are (defined by nodes) :

Face number Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4
1 1 4 3 2
1 1 2 5  
1 2 3 5  
1 3 4 5  
1 1 5 4  

The following figure shows a pyra5 cell :


A pyra5 cell penta6

penta6 cell characteristics are :

  • three-dimensional cell
  • 6 nodes
  • 9 edges
  • 5 faces
  • code : 103

Edges are (defined by nodes) :

Edge number Node 1 Node 2
1 1 2
2 2 5
3 5 4
4 4 1
5 1 3
6 2 3
7 4 6
8 5 6
9 3 6

Faces are (defined by nodes) :

Face number Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4
1 1 4 5 2
2 1 2 3  
3 4 6 5  
4 2 5 6 3
5 1 3 6 4

The following figure shows a penta6 cell :


A penta6 cell hexa8

hexa8 cell characteristics are :

  • three-dimensional cell
  • 8 nodes
  • 12 edges
  • 6 faces
  • code : 104

Edges are (defined by nodes) :

Edge number Node 1 Node 2
1 1 2
2 2 5
3 5 4
4 4 1
5 1 3
6 2 3
7 4 6
8 5 6
9 3 6

Faces are (defined by nodes) :

Face number Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4
1 1 4 3 2
2 1 2 6 5
3 2 3 7 6
4 3 4 8 7
5 1 5 8 4
6 5 6 7 8

The following figure shows a hexa8 cell :


A hexa8 cell tetra10

tetra10 cell characteristics are :

  • three-dimensional cell
  • 10 nodes
  • 12 edges connecting all node each other
  • 4 faces
  • code : 108

Edges are (defined by nodes) :

Edge number Node 1 Node 2
1 1 2
2 2 3
3 3 1
4 1 4
5 2 4
6 3 4

Faces are (defined by nodes) :

Face number Node 1 Node 2 Node 3
1 1 2 4
2 2 3 4
3 1 4 3
4 1 3 2

The following figure shows a tetra10 cell :


A tetra10 cell hexa20

hexa20 cell characteristics are :

  • three-dimensional cell
  • 20 nodes
  • 24 edges connecting all node each other
  • 4 faces
  • code : 109

Edges are (defined by nodes) :

Edge number Node 1 Node 2
1 1 9
2 9 2
3 2 10
4 10 3
5 3 11
6 11 4
7 4 12
8 12 1
9 5 13
10 13 6
11 6 14
12 14 7
13 7 15
14 15 8
15 8 16
16 16 5
17 1 17
18 17 5
19 2 18
20 18 6
21 3 19
22 19 7
23 4 20
24 20 8

Faces are (defined by nodes) :

Face number Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4
1 1 4 3 2
2 1 2 6 5
3 2 3 7 6
4 3 4 8 7
5 1 5 8 4
6 5 6 7 8

The following figure shows a hexa20 cell :


A hexa20 cell Canonical elements

Besides Amelet HDF defines some canonical geometrical elements.


the vector connecting the initial node i with the terminating node j is written \(\overrightarrow{N_{ij}}\)

  • plane
    • A plane is made up of 3 nodes.
      • \(\overrightarrow{V_{12}}\) must not be aligned with \(\overrightarrow{V_{13}}\)
      • The order of nodes gives the plane orientation, the normal is defined by \(\vec{n} = \overrightarrow{V_{12}} \times \overrightarrow{V_{13}}\)
    • code : 15

A plane element

  • circle
    • A circle is defined by three nodes :
      • The node 1 is the center of the circle
      • The node 2 gives the radius
      • The node 3 gives the plane containing the circle
      • \(\overrightarrow{V_{12}}\) must not be aligned with \(\overrightarrow{V_{13}}\)
      • The order of nodes gives the plane orientation, the normal is defined by \(\vec{n} = \overrightarrow{V_{12}} \times \overrightarrow{V_{13}}\)
    • code : 16

A circle element

  • ellipse
    • An ellipse is defined by three nodes :
      • Node 1 and node 2 are the foci
      • The node 3 is on the ellipse and gives the “radius” as well as the plane which contains the ellipse
      • \(\overrightarrow{V_{12}}\) must not be aligned with \(\overrightarrow{V_{13}}\)
      • The order of nodes gives the plane orientation, the normal is defined by \(\vec{n} = \overrightarrow{V_{12}} \times \overrightarrow{V_{13}}\)
    • code : 17

An ellipse element

  • cylinder
    • A cylinder is defined by three nodes :
      • The node 1 is the center of the base circle
      • The node 2 gives the radius of the base circle
      • The node 3 is the center of the top circle.
      • Nodes 1 and 3 are the axis of the cylinder.
      • \(\overrightarrow{V_{12}}\) and \(\overrightarrow{V_{13}}\) are orthogonal
    • code : 105

A cylinder element

  • cone
    • A cone is defined by four nodes :
      • The node 1 is the center of the base circle
      • The node 2 gives the radius of the base circle
      • The node 3 is the center of the top circle
      • The node 4 gives the radius of the top circle.
      • Nodes 1 and 3 gives the axis of the cone.
      • \(\overrightarrow{V_{13}}\) and \(\overrightarrow{V_{12}}\) are orthogonal
      • \(\overrightarrow{V_{13}}\) and \(\overrightarrow{V_{34}}\) are orthogonal
    • code : 106

A cone element

  • sphere
    • A sphere is defined by two nodes :
      • The node 1 is the center of the sphere
      • The node 2 gives the radius of the sphere
    • code : 107

A sphere element The elementTypes dataset

/mesh/$gmesh/$mesh/elementTypes is a one dimensional 8-bits integer dataset and gives the type of all elements in the mesh.


/mesh/$gmesh/$mesh/elementTypes is a 8-bits integer dataset

The size of elementTypes is the number of elements.


It is simple to compute the number of elements of a given type by summing the number of time a type appears in elementTypes.

index Element’s types
0 1
1 2
2 11

In this example, three elements are defined (two bar2 and one tri3). The index is implicit.

The genuine dataset is

102 Recap table

bar2 1
bar3 2
tri3 11
tri6 12
quad4 13
quad8 14
plane 15
circle 16
ellipse 17
tetra4 101
pyra5 102
penta6 103
hexa8 104
cylinder 105
cone 106
sphere 107
tetra10 108
hexa20 109

6.2.4. elementNodes

Elements are defined by the nodes. The type of the element gives the number of nodes, the dataset elementNodes gives the nodes involved in the element definition. /mesh/$gmesh/$mesh/elementNodes is a one dimensional integer dataset.

For each row of /mesh/$gmesh/$mesh/elementTypes, there is a matching number_of_nodes. In /mesh/$gmesh/$mesh/elementNodes there are number_of_nodes rows indicating the index of each involved nodes (defined in /mesh/$gmesh/$mesh/nodes).

Example for the following /mesh/$gmesh/$mesh/elementTypes :


and /mesh/$gmesh/$mesh/elementNodes is

index Element’s node
0 0
1 1
2 1
3 2
4 0
5 2
6 3

According to the preceding elementTypes example :

  • The first bar2 is defined by the nodes 0 and 1
  • The second bar2 by the nodes 1 and 2
  • The tri3 by the nodes 0, 2 et 3.

The genuine dataset is without headers :


6.2.5. group

Until now, a mesh is a set of nodes and a set of elements. CAD or topology areas (like plane’s wings, thin wires) are groups (of elements for instance). Those groups are /mesh/$gmesh/$mesh/group‘s children.

/mesh/$gmesh/$mesh/group is an HDF5 group and contains HDF5 integer datasets.

These datasets are either sets of nodes indices from /mesh/$gmesh/$mesh/nodes (the attribute type equals node) or sets of elements indices from /mesh/$gmesh/$mesh/elementTypes (the attribute type equals element).

If type equals element the group has another attribute : entityType. entityType is an hdf5 string attribute and gives the type of entities stored in the group. entityType can take the following values :

  • edge : the group contains only edge elements.
  • face : the group contains only surface elements.
  • volume : the group contains only volume elements.

Example :

`-- mesh/
    `-- $gmesh1/
        `-- $plane[@type=unstructured]/
            |-- nodes
            |-- elementTypes
            |-- elementNodes
            `-- group
                |-- $field-location[@type=node]
                |-- $right-wing[@type=element
                |               @entityType=face]
                `-- $left-wing[@type=element

/mesh/$gmesh1/$mesh1 has three groups :

  • $field-location, a node group which the location where the field will be computed.
  • $right-wing, an element group which reprensets the right wing of a plane
  • $left-wing, an element group which reprensets the left wing of a plane

For example /mesh/$gmesh1/$mesh1/group/$field-location is

index indices of nodes from /mesh/$gmesh1/$mesh1/nodes
0 0
1 1
2 1
3 2
4 0
5 2
6 3

The index and headers are reported for convenience.

6.2.6. groupGroup

groupGroup is an HDF5 group and contains sets of group children. groupGroup children are named HDF5 string, each groupGroup is a set group’s names.

Example :

`-- mesh/
    `-- $gmesh1/
        `-- $mesh1[@type=unstructured]/
            |-- nodes
            |-- elementTypes
            |-- elementNodes
            |-- group
            |   |-- $field-location[@type=node]
            |   |-- $right-wing[@type=element
            |   |               @entityType=face]
            |   `-- $left-wing[@type=element]
            |                  @entityType=face]
            `-- groupGroup
                `-- $wings

and /mesh/$gmesh1/$mesh1/groupGroup/$wings is

index /mesh/$gmesh1/$mesh1/group‘s children names
0 $right-wing
1 $left-wing

The index and headers are reported for convenience.


It is possible to create groupGroups of groupGroups.

6.3. Structured mesh

The main difference between an unstructured mesh and a structured mesh is that the nodes and the elements of a structured mesh are implicitly defined by a grid. A cartesian grid is characterized by three real vectors of x, y and z . Therefore elements can be located by 3 integers (i, j, k) that are the integer coordinates in the grid.

A structured mesh is a named HDF5 group child of /mesh having an attribute type equals structured.

A structured mesh is composed of three children :

  • A mandatory child :
    • a cartesianGrid group
  • Two optional children :
    • a group HDF5 group
    • a groupGroup HDF5 group

Structured meshes are mainly used in electromagnetism by the Finite Difference Time Domain method (FDTD).

6.3.1. Cartesian grid

A cartesian grid is defined by 1 to 3 axis (vectors) and is the equivalent structure of the set (nodes, elementTypes, elementNodes) for an unstructured mesh. The nodes are the intersection of axis, the elementTypes is implicit because elements type is bar, face or hexa (depending on the dimension) and elementNodes are all bar, face or hexa located by their coordinates (i, j, k).

If the grid’s dimension is 1, the cartesian grid is defined by a child vector (one dimensional dataset) called x :

`-- mesh/
    `-- $gmesh1/
        `-- $structured-mesh-1d[@type=structured]/
            `-- cartesianGrid
                `-- x[@floatingType=vector

x is a floatingType = vector, i.e. one dimensional dataset of reals, its optional attributes are :

  • the optional attribute floatingType = vector
  • The optional attribute physicalNature value is length
  • The optional attribute unit value is meter

This attribute are optional because Amelet HDF specification set them.

If the grid dimension is 2, the cartesian grid is defined by 2 children floatingType called x, y :

`-- mesh/
    `-- $gmesh1/
        `-- $structured-mesh-2d[@type=structured]/
            `-- cartesianGrid
                |-- x[@floatingType=vector
                |     @physicalNature=length
                |     @unit=meter]
                `-- y[@physicalNature=length

If the grid dimension is 3, the cartesian grid is defined by 3 children floatingType called x, y and z :

`-- mesh/
    `-- $gmesh1
        `-- $structured-mesh-3d[@type=structured]/
            `-- cartesianGrid
                |-- x[@physicalNature=length
                |     @unit=meter]
                |-- y[@physicalNature=length
                |     @unit=meter]
                `-- z[@physicalNature=length

the physical nature of x, y and z is length and the unit is meter.


A structured orthogonal grid Element numbering

Two manners exist to locate/describe elements and structured sets of elements.

  • The numbering by indices : Elements are located by their indices in the cartesian grid :
    • i in 1D
    • (i, j) in 2D
    • (i, j, k) in 3D
  • The implicit numbering : Elements are located by a conventional numbering rule. Every element has an integer number.

Here is an example on implicit numbering :

  • for a nx 1D grid : the number of the ith element is its index i
  • for a nx * ny 2D grid, the number of the (i, j) element is i+(j-1)*nx
  • for a nx * ny * nz 3D grid, the number of the (i, j, k)th element is i + (j-1)*nx + (k-1)*ny*nx

For a 3D grid, the index increases rapidly. A 5000x1000x1000 grid implies 5 000 000 000 mesh cells. However, the maximum 32 bit integer is 4 294 967 296 and we should use 64 bit integer to express the implicit index. The gain is not obvious relative the complexity of the convention. Therefore, the implicit numbering is not used in Amelet HDF.

Moreover, in the manner of unstructured mesh elements (see elementTypes) , Amelet HDF introduces the sub-element concept to structured mesh. With an explicit numbering, it is possible to select an element’s sub-part like a cube’s edge. Node

A node is defined by an integer tuple, the size of the tuple depends on the space dimension :

Space dimension A’s coordinates
1D i
2D (i, j)
3D (i, j, k)


The indexes of the nodes begins with 0

The nodes numbering inside a cell is defined in the same manner as :

  • the unstructured bar2 numbering in 1D
    • A is the point 1
  • the unstructured quad4 numbering in 2D
    • A is the point 1.
    • B is the point 3.
  • the unstructured hexa8 numbering in 3D
    • A is the point 1.
    • B is the point 7. Edge

An edge is defined with two aligned nodes A & B. Following the space dimension, A’s and B’s indices can take values reported in the tabular hereafter :

Space dimension A’s coordinates B’s coordinates
1D i i+1
2D (i, j) (i+1, j)
  (i, j) (i, j+1)
3D (i, j, k) (i+1, j, k)
  (i, j, k) (i, j+1, k)
  (i, j, k) (i, j, k+1)

The edges numbering inside a cell is defined in the same manner as :

  • the unstructured bar2 numbering in 1D
    • A is the point 1
  • the unstructured quad4 numbering in 2D
    • A is the point 1.
    • B is the point 3.
  • the unstructured hexa8 numbering in 3D
    • A is the point 1.
    • B is the point 7. Face

A face is defined with two nodes A & B. Following the space dimension, A’s and B’s indices can take values reported in the tabular hereafter :

Space dimension A’s coordinates B’s coordinates
2D (i, j) (i+1, j+1)
3D (i, j, k) (i+1, j+1, k)
  (i, j, k) (i, j+1, k+1)
  (i, j, k) (i+1, j, k+1)

The faces numbering inside a cell is defined in the same manner as :

  • the unstructured quad4 numbering in 2D
    • A is the point 1.
    • B is the point 3.
  • the unstructured hexa8 numbering in 3D
    • A is the point 1.
    • B is the point 7. Volume

A volume is defined with two nodes A & B.

Space dimension A’s coordinates B’s coordinates
3D (i, j, k) (i+1, j+1, k+1)

6.3.2. group

group is an HDF5 group and contains sets of nodes and sets of elements. group children are named HDF5 dataset of integers. Nodes group

A nodes group of a structured mesh is an HDF5 two dimensional dataset children of /mesh/$gmesh/$mesh.

A nodes group has an HDF5 attribute type, its value is node.

The first dimension is the rows. Each row defines a node by 3 integers representing the coordinates of the node.

Example :

`-- mesh
    `-- $gmesh1
        `-- $mesh1[@type=structured]/
            |-- cartesianGrid
            `-- group
                `-- $e-field[@type=node]

where data.h5:/mesh/$gmesh1/$mesh1/group/$e-field is :

i j k
1 1 1
8 10 2
15 15 15

Headers are reported for convenience. Elements group

An elements group of a structured mesh is an HDF5 two dimensional dataset children of /mesh/$gmesh/$mesh.

An elements group has an HDF5 attribute type, its value is element, in addtition, it has the entityType attribute. entityType is an hdf5 string attribute and gives the type of entities stored in the group. entityType can take the following values :

  • edge : the group contains only edge elements.
  • face : the group contains only surface elements.
  • volume : the group contains only volume elements.

The first dimension is the rows. Each row defines 6 integers representing the lowest corner and the highest corner of a parallelepiped.

The lowest corner indices are the imin, jmin, kmin and the highest corner indices are imax, jmax and kmax.

Example :

`-- mesh/
    `-- $gmesh1/
        `-- $mesh1[@type=structured]/
            |-- cartesianGrid
            `-- group
                `-- $right-wing[@type=element

where data.h5:/mesh/$gmesh1/$mesh1/group/$right-wing is :

imin jmin kmin imax jmax kmax
1 1 1 12 10 12
15 15 15 27 25 27

The parallelepiped ((imin, jmin, kmin), (imax, jmax, kmax)) represents either a single element or a set of elements.

If type equals element the group has another attribute : entityType. entityType is an hdf5 string attribute and gives the type of entities stored in the group. entityType can take the following values :

  • edge : the group contains only edge elements.
  • face : the group contains only surface elements.
  • volume : the group contains only volume elements.

6.3.3. The normal group

The normals definition is usually related to the surface concept. However this can be also applied to the edges. Normals of faces

In Amelet HDF specification, normal faces are contained in the /mesh/$gmesh/$mesh/normal group in datasets named as the initial face group in /mesh/$gmesh/$mesh/group.

The possible values of the /mesh/$gmesh/$mesh/normal/$normal dataset are :

  • x+ : the normal is along the x axis and positively oriented.
  • x- : the normal is along the x axis and negatively oriented.
  • y+ : the normal is along the y axis and positively oriented.
  • y- : the normal is along the y axis and negatively oriented.
  • z+ : the normal is along the z axis and positively oriented.
  • z- : the normal is along the z axis and negatively oriented.

Example :

`-- mesh/
    `-- $gmesh1/
        `-- $mesh1[@type=structured]/
            |-- cartesianGrid
            |-- group
            |   `-- $right-wing[@type=element
            |                   @entityType=face]
            `-- normal/
                `-- $right-wing

where data.h5:/mesh/$gmesh1/$mesh1/group/$right-wing is :

imin jmin kmin imax jmax kmax
1 1 1 12 10 12
15 15 15 27 25 27

and data.h5:/mesh/$gmesh1/$mesh1/normal/$right-wing is :


In the example data.h5:/mesh/$gmesh1/$mesh1/group/$right-wing are the normals of the face group data.h5:/mesh/$gmesh1/$mesh1/normal/$right-wing.


The number of rows of data.h5:/mesh/$gmesh1/$mesh1/group/$right-wing and data.h5:/mesh/$gmesh1/$mesh1/normal/$right-wing must be equal. Normals of edges

In Amelet HDF, structured edges are defined by six integers : imin, jmin, kmin, imax, jmax, kmax. By extension and by misnomer the normals give the direction of edges.

The same conventions as for surfaces are applied.

6.3.4. groupGroup

groupGroup is an HDF5 group and contains sets of group children. groupGroup children are named HDF5 string dataset, each groupGroup is a set group’s names.

Example :

`-- mesh/
    `-- $gmesh1
        `-- mesh1[@type=structured]/
            |-- cartesianGrid
            |-- group
            |   |-- $field-location[@type=node]
            |   |-- $right-wing[@type=element
            |   |               @entityType=cell]
            |   `-- $left-wing[@type=element
            |                  @entityType=cell]
            `-- groupGroup
                `-- $wings

and /mesh/$gmesh1/$mesh1/groupGroup/$wings is

index /mesh/$gmesh1/$mesh1/group‘s children names
0 $right-wing
1 $left-wing

The index is implicit reported for convenience.


It is possible to create groupGroups of groupGroups.

6.4. Selector on mesh

In a mesh, nodes are necessary contained in the nodes dataset. However, it could be interesting to spot the middle of an edge or the center of a face... Similarly, it could nice to select a face edge without creating an edge element in elementTypes.

This is the role of the /mesh/$gmesh/$mesh/selectorOnMesh group localized in mesh instances :

`-- mesh
    `-- $gmesh1
        |-- $mesh1
        |   |-- nodes
        |   |-- elementTypes
        |   |-- elementNodes
        |   |-- group
        |   |-- groupGroup
        |   `-- selectorOnMesh
        |-- $mesh-two
        |-- $mesh-3
        |   |-- nodes
        |   |-- elementTypes
        |   |-- elementNodes
        |   |-- group
        |   |-- groupGroup
        |   `-- selectorOnMesh
        |-- $mesh#5
        |-- $mesh_6
        `-- meshLink

The selectorOnMesh group offers the mean to select and label mesh points and mesh sub-element (The meshLink group will be covered in the next section).

selectorOnMesh is an HDF5 group which contains two kind of children :

  • named tables
  • named integer datasets

6.4.1. selectorOnMesh of pointInElement type

A selectorOnMesh of pointInElement type is a named table which contains point definitions in element’s local coordinate systems. The shape of the table depends on the unstructured | structured nature of the mesh.

The table has a string attribute named type of value pointInElement :

`-- mesh/
    `-- $gmesh1/
        `-- $mesh1/
            |-- nodes
            |-- elementTypes
            |-- elementNodes
            |-- group/
            |-- groupGroup/
            `-- selectorOnMesh/
                `-- $point_in_element[@type=pointInElement] Unstructured mesh

It is possible to spot a point in an element thanks to a local coordinate system built by one, two or three vectors (depending on the dimension of the element).

Definition : \(\vec{e_{ij}}\) is the vector starting from the node i toward the node j of an element.

  • if E is a one-dimensional element, only \(\vec{v_1}\) is used and is defined by :

    Cell \(\vec{v_1}\)
    bar2 \(\vec{e_{12}}\)
    bar3 \(\vec{e_{12}}\)

    In the \((O, \vec{v_1})\) coordinate system (O is node 1), the identification of a point \(P\) is realized by the vector \(\overrightarrow{OP}\) using a real number \(\alpha\) : \(\overrightarrow{OP} = \alpha \vec{v_1}\), \(P\) must be in the element.

  • if E is a two-dimensional element, \((\vec{v_1}, \vec{v_2})\) are used and are defined by :

    Cell \(\vec{v_1}\) \(\vec{v_2}\)
    tri3 \(\vec{e_{12}}\) \(\vec{e_{13}}\)
    tri6 \(\vec{e_{12}}\) \(\vec{e_{13}}\)
    quad4 \(\vec{e_{12}}\) \(\vec{e_{14}}\)
    quad8 \(\vec{e_{12}}\) \(\vec{e_{14}}\)

    In the \((O, \vec{v_1}, \vec{v_2})\) coordinate system (O is node 1), the identification of a point \(P\) is realized by the vector \(\overrightarrow{OP}\) using two real numbers \(\alpha, \beta\) : \(\overrightarrow{OP} = \alpha \vec{v_1} + \beta \vec{v_2}\), \(P\) must be in the element.

  • if E is a three-dimension cell, \((\vec{v_1}, \vec{v_2}, \vec{v_3})\) are used and are defined by :

    Cell \(\vec{v_1}\) \(\vec{v_2}\) \(\vec{v_3}\)
    tetra4 \(\vec{e_{12}}\) \(\vec{e_{13}}\) \(\vec{e_{14}}\)
    pyra5 \(\vec{e_{12}}\) \(\vec{e_{14}}\) \(\vec{e_{15}}\)
    penta6 \(\vec{e_{12}}\) \(\vec{e_{14}}\) \(\vec{e_{13}}\)
    hexa8 \(\vec{e_{12}}\) \(\vec{e_{14}}\) \(\vec{e_{15}}\)

    In the \((O, \vec{v_1}, \vec{v_2}, \vec{v_3})\) coordinate system (O is node 1), the identification of a point \(P\) is realized by the vector \(\overrightarrow{OP}\) using three real numbers \(\alpha, \beta, \gamma\) : \(\overrightarrow{OP} = \alpha \vec{v_1} + \beta \vec{v_2} + \gamma \vec{v_3}\), \(P\) must be in the element.


The default value of a v* is -1, it is the “not used” value.

Therefore, pointInElement selectorOnMesh is a four columns HDF5 table.

index v1 v2 v3

The four columns are :

  • index : the index of the element in the list of elements (elementTypes). index is an integer.
  • v1 : the relative distance \(\alpha\) along \(\vec{v_1}\). v1 is real
  • v2 : the relative distance \(\beta\) along \(\vec{v_2}\). v2 is real
  • v3 : the relative distance \(\gamma\) along \(\vec{v_3}\). v3 is real


Distances are normalized

Examples for the mesh data.h5:/mesh/$gmesh1/mesh1 :

`-- mesh
    `-- $gmesh1
        `-- $mesh1[@type=unstructured]
            |-- nodes
            |-- elementTypes
            |-- elementNodes
            |-- group
            |   |-- $field-location[@type=node]
            |   |-- $right-wing[@type=element]
            |   `-- $left-wing[@type=element]
            |-- groupGroup
            |   `-- $wings
            `-- selectorOnMesh
                 `-- $points_in_elements[@type=pointInElement]

/mesh/$gmesh1/$mesh1/elementTypes is (implicit index are not reported), the mesh is composed of two bar2 element.


and data.h5:/mesh/$gmesh1/$mesh1/selectorOnMesh/$points_in_elements is

index v1 v2 v3
0 0.5 -1 -1
1 0.5 -1 -1

This example defines the center of the two edges. Structured mesh

selectorOnMesh of pointInElement type defines named entities referenced relative to an element E. A point can be localized in the element by a local coordinate system \((\vec{v_1}, \vec{v_2}, \vec{v_3})\) (in the 3D case).

  • if E is an edge, \(\vec{v_1}\) is used

    • If E is directed along \(\overrightarrow{Ox}\),

      • \(\vec{v_1} = \overrightarrow{dx}\)
    • If E is directed along \(\overrightarrow{Oy}\),

      • \(\vec{v_1} = \overrightarrow{dy}\)
    • If E is directed along \(\overrightarrow{Oz}\),

      • \(\vec{v_1} = \overrightarrow{dz}\)
  • if E is a face, \((\vec{v_1}, \vec{v_2})\) are used

    • If E is in \(xOy\)
      • \(\vec{v_1} = \overrightarrow{dx}\)
      • \(\vec{v_2} = \overrightarrow{dy}\)
    • If E is in \(xOz\)
      • \(\vec{v_1} = \overrightarrow{dx}\)
      • \(\vec{v_2} = \overrightarrow{dz}\)
    • If E is in \(yOz\)
      • \(\vec{v_1} = \overrightarrow{dy}\)
      • \(\vec{v_2} = \overrightarrow{dz}\)
  • if E is a volume, \((\vec{v_1}, \vec{v_2}, \vec{v_3})\) are used

    • \(\vec{v_1} = \overrightarrow{dx}\)
    • \(\vec{v_2} = \overrightarrow{dy}\)
    • \(\vec{v_3} = \overrightarrow{dz}\)

\(\vec{dx} (respectively \vec{dy}\) and \(\vec{dz}\)) is the oriented dimension of the cell along x-axis, (respectively y-axis z-axis).


The default value of a v* is -1, it is the “not used value”.

Therefore, pointInElement selectorOnMesh is a nine columns HDF5 table.

imin jmin kmin imax jmax kmax v1 v2 v3

The nine columns are :

  • imin : the i index of the bottom corner node. imin is an integer.
  • jmin : the j index of the bottom corner node. jmin is an integer.
  • kmin : the k index of the bottom corner node. kmin is an integer.
  • imax : the i index of the top corner node. imax is an integer.
  • jmax : the j index of the top corner node. jmax is an integer.
  • kmax : the k index of the top corner node. kmax is an integer.
  • v1 : distance in the direction x. v1 is a real.
  • v2 : distance in the direction y. v2 is a real.
  • v3 : distance in the direction z. v3 is a real.


The following rules must be followed :

  • (imax - imin) = 0 or 1
  • (jmax - jmin) = 0 or 1
  • (kmax - kmin) = 0 or 1

One can see that if :

  • imin = imax or jmin = jmax or kmin = kmax E is a face
  • imin = imax and (jmin = jmax or kmin = kmax) E is an edge (and respectively for the other permutations)

Examples for the mesh data.h5:/mesh/$gmesh1/$mesh1 :

`-- mesh/
    `-- $gmesh1/
        `-- $mesh1[@type=structured]/
            |-- cartesianGrid
            |-- group/
            |   `-- $e-field[@type=node]
            |-- groupGroup/
            `-- selectorOnMesh/
                `-- $points_in_elements[@type=pointInElement]

data.h5:/mesh/$gmesh1/$mesh1/selectorOnMesh/$points_in_elements is

imin jmin kmin imax jmax kmax v1 v2 v3
1 1 1 2 2 2 0.5 0.5 0.5
1 1 1 1 2 2 0.5 0.5 -1
1 1 1 1 1 2 0.5 -1 -1

The first point is the center of a volume, the second the center of a face and the last is the center of an edge.

6.4.2. selectorOnMesh of edge|face type

A selectorOnMesh of edge|face type is a named dataset and defines a list of sub-elements.

The dataset has a string attribute named type of value :

  • edge : the dataset references edges
  • face : the dataset references faces

This kind of selectorOnMesh exists only for unstructured mesh since it is natural to select whatever entity in a structured mesh thanks the group concept.

It is possible to spot a sub-element of an element (i.e. an edge, a face) thanks to a local numbering of sub-elements described in Unstructured mesh. The local numbering depends on the type attribute.

edge|face selectorOnMesh is a two columns HDF5 integer dataset.

The two columns are :

  • The index of the element in the list of elements (in elementTypes).
  • The number of the sub-element

Examples for the mesh data.h5:/mesh/$gmesh1/mesh1 :

`-- mesh
    `-- $gmesh1
        `-- $mesh1[@type=unstructured]
            |-- nodes
            |-- elementTypes
            |-- elementNodes
            |-- group
            |   |-- $field-location[@type=node]
            |   |-- $right-wing[@type=element]
            |   `-- $left-wing[@type=element]
            |-- groupGroup
            |   `-- $wings
            `-- selectorOnMesh
                 `-- $implicit_edges[@type=edge]

/mesh/$gmesh1/$mesh1/elementTypes is (implicit index are not reported). Two bar2 and a tetra4 compose the mesh.


and data.h5:/mesh/$gmesh1/$mesh1/selectorOnMesh/$implicit_edges is

0 1
1 1
2 3

This example defines a two element edge group :

  • The first edge of a bar2, it is the bar2 itself
  • The third edge between node 1 and node 3 of a tetra4 cell.