Electromagnetic Simulation
All about the electromagnetic simulationWhat is it ?
Electromagnetic simulation is the global process of modeling the interaction of electromagnetic fields with physical objects like electronic devices, cable harnesses, systems, etc.
If you like Math (we are sure you like them), it relies upon solving Maxwell’s equations by using computationally efficient algorithms.
Therefore, depending on application domains, Maxwell’s equations are solved in time or frequency domain, with volumic or boundary condition approaches, or using full-wave resolution or asymptotic approximations.
So with this short description, you have a clear idea of what is it. Let’s get it real now !
What's happening in the real world
In many industrial domains, engineers are facing new technical challenges in which electromagnetic phenomena become more and more important.
Actually, the domains that involve electromagnetic issues are antenna performances (design and installation), hyper frequency circuits, electromagnetic compatibility, radar cross section, electromagnetic wave propagation in complex media, etc.
Electromagnetic simulation is nowadays an efficient way to tackle these emerging problems. It allows to investigate in early design phase the electromagnetic properties of products and systems.
As a consequence, Electromagnetic simulation software are more and more used in many industries and applications to solve a wide range of electromagnetic problems.
Let’s go a little further
Electromagnetic phenomena that should be considered during the conception and qualification of systems cover a wide frequency range.
Hence, for fast and accurate electromagnetic simulations, it implies to combine several solvers based upon specific numerical algorithm and technologies :
On one hand, each numerical method has its advantages and disadvantages and it is more well suited for solving a sub-part of the whole electromagnetic problems. They have to be hybridized to deliver to the final result
On the other hand, the use of High Performance Computing resources permits to solve complex problems. The use of such computational resources implies specific software architectures and technologies

A comparison of EM simulation software is available here
Here comes AxesSim
AxesSim’s electromagnetic simulation software offers a wide range of solutions tailored to the most stringent industry needs at every stage of products and development processes.
AxesSim’s software are packaged in our integrated and consistent suite of solutions for industries.